How do I know if my child needs OT?

Occupational Therapy offers valuable support to children across all aspects of their daily life including managing toileting; dressing; tolerating different foods; forming friendships; coping with change; using “tools” such as pencils, scissors and cutlery, engaging in movement and sports.




Difficulty catching balls

Fatigues easily with movement activities

Hand Skills

Difficulty grasping a pencil

Difficulty using scissors

Struggles to play with small objects like marbles, lego, beads

Difficulty writing


Difficulty dressing themselves

Difficulty dressing themselves

Difficulty with toileting

Struggles to use cutlery

Requires support to settle to sleep

Social Skills

Difficulty making and keeping friends

Difficulty reading body language and clues

Difficulty with turn taking

Struggles to understand “social rules”

Prefers to play by self “with objects” rather than peers


Difficulty coping with change or with transitiontimes

Highly sensitive to criticism

Easily frustrated


Meltdowns and/or tantrums

Variable and quickly changing moods

Struggles with resilience

Oppositional or defiant


Struggles to tolerate different textures of clothing (tags, seams in socks)

Distressed about having hair, finger and toenails cut

Distressed by dirty hands and want to wash them frequently

Fussy/picky eating

Does everything with too much force

Always running/ jumping, getting into upside down positions

Executive Function

Executive Function

Poor memory

Difficulty following directions/daily routines

Difficulty with planning, sequencing and organising

The initial assessment

Your appointment time will be confirmed via email.

You will receive a text message the day prior, as a reminder.
All the necessary paperwork will be emailed out to you, prior to the assessment.
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